Weiss 204 to Bricasti M1 series?

I’m demoing a Weiss 204 and like what I hear- dynamic, quietbackground, nicely detailed without sounding etched or bright.Would probably replace my Mac mini with a dedicated streamer if I keep the Weiss.  Wondering how the Bricasti M1 would be a lateral move vs. a step up, whether using its network card or with a streamer, thanks.


The bicastis sound better with an external server and the Mac Mini is  definitely holding your dac from creating its best sound


Our 432evo Aeon with the m3 sounds amazing or with your weiss 







Why not step it up even further the T+A 200 dac-preamp  is sonically superior retail $7200  is a excellent dac and meets or beats dacs up to $15 k. Just check out the reviews ,then gets demo.

If you like the way the Weiss 204 sounds now, try it with a 9V4A Plixir Linear Power Supply. Takes the performance up a step or two. Also try the better Plixir Statement DC cable from the supply to the Weiss - well worth the small extra cost.

@audioman58, do you get paid per post by T+A by any chance 😀

I see you pumping the 200’s tires on pretty much every DAC thread. Yes, my local dealer who sells the Meitner MA3 (which I owned) and 200 says the 200 is a great DAC, but in my experience of owning between ~$750 to $10K+ DACs, the relative differences let alone the absolute ones don’t always justify the hefty price difference; this is not even counting the depreciation hit on a DAC when it gets replaced by a newer model.

Yup, The MAC mini ain’t skinny. A streamer is. Please get the best you can afford and clean up the Ethernet chain. Read all about it by searching these fora.