A great interconnect between Soulution 751 and 725

Hi all,

I want to improve my RCA interconnect cable between phono and line amps. I'm open on both RCA o XLR solutions and my budget could reach 2k.

What do you suggest me?



Used Nordost Tyr 2 XLRs in your price range. Great detail resolution and clarity without any harshness. You want something that would let these components shine and this would be it.

Why would you buy a top-notch Soulution stack and then cheap out so massively on cables? 


Go with an Ansuz Speakz D-TC Gold Signature, or just sell all your Soulution gear because you're definitely not hearing what it's capable of.

@renatocomes - it’s really easy to throw money at a problem in the hope that a more expensive cable might yield better results.

I’ve been building my own cables for over 15 years and fallen nto that trap e.g.

  • I thought companies like Van den Hul produced exceptional cable because they charged a lot for it
    • dont get me wrong, they are good cables, but they are professional grade designed to withstand roadies treading all over them
  • I subsequently learned that companies like DH Labs produce cable that was just as good for a lot less money
    • Because they are designed for in home use

Since those early days I have discovered what acrually makes a geat sounding cable

Take a read of this thread, you may just learn something that can save you money and get you great sounding cables

Then you will be able to have an understanding of some of the features of a good cable

If you have any questions just ask

Regards - Steve

Hi all,

this community is full of great people ...

I'm very happy to pose my questions and doubts to all of you because you help me to see beyond. Thanks.

About the cable: due to the fact that I live in Italy, some of your suggestions cannot be followed. Some brands such as: Acoustic Zen, Nordost and Siltech and sold and supported locally therefore I will restrict my search to those brands plus Audioquest and Ortofon.