Manley Chinook SE MK2

What phono preamp and how much would it take to better the Manley? I ask mainly because I have one and considering upgrading. I know it's been stated that it takes $5k upwards to better it but curious of some real world experiences.  

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I compared the MKI Chinook to a Zesto Andros 1.2

The Zesto was more neutral, more detailed, more dynamic, whereas the Chinook had a warmer, fuller, more tubey presentation. I kept the Zesto and sold the Chinook. A few months later I sold the Zesto and bought a Steelhead which I still own.

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@rooze I definitely don’t need a Steelhead with so many features. How does the sound compare to the Chinook?

@tablejockey recently i upgraded my cartridge to a Hana Umami Blue. Its still breaking in but so far i love it. I spoke with Upscale and they recommended the first place i should upgrade was the cart so i did. They said i would have to spend 10k to really up the turntable game so sit tight with the Classic 1.

Recently upgraded my preamp from the LS28 to a Ref6. And several months ago Sonus Faber Olympica 3 to Wilson Sabrina original version.  I have looked at a Audio Research PH8 however,  the downside is only 58db of gain which I think is ridiculous given the cost. Also single ended only.   The Umami Blue is 0.4mv and since I'm single ended, the Ref 6 doesn't have a high gain, I need 65db gain setting. If using XLR I could get by with 60db. 



If you want something to play with, get the Roadrunner/Sota speed control setup and gimbal arm replacement for the Classic. OR, if you’re a DIY guy, buy a nice arm that later can be transferred to the new table.

I'm quite pleased with the new PL all tube phonostage.

Different presentation from the Chinook.