Should You Leave An External Power Supply On 24-7?

I had always left my Bluesound Node on 24/7. I have recently installed a Teddy Pardo external linear power supply on the Bluesound Node. Is it wise to turn off the power supply every night when I shut the system down, or should it be left on 24/7?

Your thoughts please.


@mitch4t @parker65310 

I have a node 2i which I enjoy the heck out of with my external DAC.

Assuming you use your nodes with an external DAC, what is your objective opinion on how much adding the LPS improved the sound?  Thanks

@jetter I am very happy with the Teddy Pardo LPS. I began my streaming journey with just the Node (gen 1) a few years ago. I then added an MHDT Orchid DAC (tube on the output stage) to bypass the Node’s internal DAC (using all Silnote Audio cabling). Then a few months ago I upgraded to the newest Node (moved the old one to my 2 pairs of B&W WM6 outdoor patios setup) and then added the Teddy Pardo about 2 weeks ago. I should add I also have a BAT VK600 with bat pack huge, lots of current, fully balanced solid state amp; BAT VK-6i tube preamp; all feeding into my fully upgraded/restored Apogee Acoustics Duetta Signature full range ribbon speakers. 
Now to the sound improvements from the Teddy Pardo…I found the sound stage imaging/separation got even better (wider and deeper), along with bass response and overall delicateness of the notes, if you will. The background noise floor always sounded super quiet, but I suspect it may have dropped even further (dynamics seem to be sharper in a good way). The very recent BluOS support for FLAC files shot it up even further. My reference recordings I use for comparison are centered around Jefferson Airplane’s White Rabbit, Jeff Beck’s Cause We Ended As Lovers, Trentemoller’s Miss You (this is likely my favorite all time cut, I always come back to it), Pearl Jam’s Present Tense and all of Muddy Water’s exceptional album Folk Singer.


..ditto what @parker65310 said ..."sound improvements from the Teddy Pardo…I found the sound stage imaging/separation got even better (wider and deeper), along with bass response and overall delicateness of the notes, if you will. The background noise floor always sounded super quiet, but I suspect it may have dropped even further (dynamics seem to be sharper in a good way). The very recent BluOS support for FLAC files shot it up even further."

I have an Audio Research Reference DAC.  I primarily listen to instrumental jazz.

I primarily listen to Qobuz. Before the Teddy Pardo upgrade, Pandora sounded okay, now Pandora sounds AMAZING!

I suggest getting the Teddy Pardo will be money well spent for the leap in performance upgrade you’ll receive.