Sound Stage and Imaging

I love speakers who 'paint a big picture' (I am literally closing my eyes and trying to SEE a picture). Therefore I THINK I like to see IMAGING and BIG SOUND STAGE. And also like DYNAMICS.

Being frugal (just not willing to spent audiophile level money on it), I love to persuit 'bang for buck' solutions in general.

With above goals in mind for a speaker: what hits the marks in the low fi (audiphile scale) $2k (used or new) budget range. (I have 2 setups: one HUGE room, one 20x20).


@mijostyn I was partially kidding with the screws. Just a bit unusual to see them as exposed as they are in any speaker over say $100 pair. Most would make the REAR panel removable (with 'under' mounted bass driver). 

Kits: not afraid at all. build quite a few back then (very nice finish Eton 10 (in the 80's; GREAT sounding Focal Onyx (still dreaming of it, actually though about recreating it). Recently my sub:

@grislybutter just checked the specs of the 2TD-X. Rated at 100W.

As with every small speaker: do they have enough (even with help from big sub under 50 or (pushing it) 80 Hz) in them to fill a large (volume vise think 40x40x10) room with 100+ db (think Wagner size orchestra authentic SPL)?


Yes, it is unusual, but the British are unusual. I can say that the P3's construction is first class using the best materials. I have never seen tighter miters. 


I did not mean it to be harsh at all. He is concerned about crosstalk. Headphones are the best way to defeat it. 

I think building your own speakers is a wonderful thing to do. There are hundreds of excellent drivers available, your computer gives you the power to make important measurements and digital signal processing makes time alignment and phase accurate crossovers a breeze. I know exactly what I would do for dynamic speakers. Unfortunately, I am an ESL junky. All I have left to do is the subwoofers and they are the hardest enclosure to get right.