Most recent speaker you audited in room and returned? Why did you return it?

Just as the title says, what was the last speaker you got hyped by, purchased and returned subsequently? If you returned it, what did you not like about it in your room? What equipment did you try matching it with?

Hearing about such experiences of unmet expectations could be an interesting topic.


@noromance Ahh, Gale 301s. I so lusted after those in the early 80s! So freaking gorgeous. But they were way out of my limited finances at the time. 

Von Schweikert VR 33 speakers.  I purchased them based on reviews and reviewer Greg Weaver totally gushed over them.  Was going to order a new pair but someone on the Gon was selling his pair, 6 months old for a tiny bit discount, so I bought them.  Had I waited for a new pair from the factory, the lead time was minimum 9 months.  These speakers were designed to be a couple inches from the wall behind them.  

I was so sorry I bought them within 10 minutes  of setting them up.   I was using an Audible Illusions 3B preamp and an Odyssey Stratos amp. The bass was there but thin and the midrange was quite shouty.  I thought they needed more break in so for 1 month, I played the Isotek System Enhancer CD 8 hours a day, fairly loud while we were at work.  Nothing helped.  I stopped listening to the system and only listened to my office system upstairs.  6 months later I bought GE Triton One’s speakers and sold the VR33 speakers to someone in New York.  He called me after setting them up and thanked me over and over as he loved them.  Maybe his room was more friendly.  

I've been listening to the same Hartley Reference speakers since 1980.  

Yes I have changed all the drivers as I have found them (always looking).  

Changed out the 24" woofers just a few years ago (they came from Masterdisk studio NYC).  Hard to change what you love.  Although I have been through three sets of three amps in the tri-amp arrangement. 

To answer your question directly: NONE!



Vienna Acoustics Liszt. No matter how hard I tried, I could not get any bottom end out of them. 

Dynaudio contour 20’s, PBN-B741 scan speak.

Both were way to smooth like @mofojo said. Complete lack of dynamics.

A small part in a long lessen that I still couldn’t groove on low sensitivity loudspeakers (yet)

it’s a fun learning experience (journey) for me, and we all have different taste/perception making the hobby much more interesting!