Is There Just One Single Album That Does It For You, Completely? Just One.

If you somehow got stuck in a situation (lol) and had to spend the rest of your life completely by yourself, all alone, on a desert island ... and, as part of your situation you only got to choose one album to spend the entire rest of your life with.

Let’s say, some weird circumstance, and you also had at your complete disposal the system of your dreams, that you had assembled thru the years. And thank goodness you were a prepper and you thought ahead to install a solar power system, so power would never be a problem either.

Kind of like Tom Hanks on that island, except instead of a just a soccer ball, you had your dream stereo setup and one album only.

One album and that’s it. Got to pick one. Not necesssarily your all time favorite album, just one you could live with for the rest of your life.

Is there any album that just completely does it for ya, on that level?

I’ll kick things off by sharing mine: Steely Dan, Aja



Thanks @bigtwin 

I'm sure that TOP sounds terrific on your system. Do you own any of the Japanese CD remasters of their early albums? Well worth the extra bucks, in my experience.

@whipsaw  I still play my original LPs, and recently picked up a little collection of CDs called TOP Original Album Series.  Put out by Rhino, who are pretty reliable, but there is no information as to any remastering that may have been done.  Will I look for the Japanese issues?  Begs the question, What is Hip? 🤣


I have the Back to Oakland version remastered by Isao Kikuchi in 2015, and it is the best that I have heard.

Barcode (Text - Obi.): 4 943674 281558
Matrix / Runout: WPCR-18013 1
Mastering SID Code: IFPI L278
Mould SID Code: IFPI 45J6