Turntable choice for mono records

I am planning to purchase a second turntable dedicated to playing my 500+ mono records (mostly post-1960 pressings or reissues) and some of the lesser quality stereo records to limit wear on my reference system (Basis turntable with Benz Micro SLR Gullwing). To support cartridge switching, I am exploring tables with a replaceable arm or headshell. The mono carts I am considering, e.g., AT33, Ortofon 2M, and Shelter 501 II, are all considerably lower cost than my current cart.  Given the price differential on carts, would I notice a sound difference between a Technics SL-1500C, SL-1210GR2, and the SL-1210G? Or between the Technics line and the Luxman PD-171A or other manufacturers?

I am especially interested in the opinions of those who find a notable sound difference between stereo and mono carts. What turntable and cartridge (below $2k) provides the greatest differential?


I have two turntables, both the same, SME model 10. One has my best stereo cartridge, and one my best mono cartridge. Currently, that mean a Benz Micro LP-S on the first (via SME Series V) and an Ortofon Cadenza Mono on the other (via SME Series IV). In a few days a modified Benz Micro Ruby 3 will come back, having been converted to mono. I think, and hope, it will wipe out the Cadenza Mono. We'll see.

I don't think there is any reason to pick a different kind of turntable for the best mono reproduction. The best you can afford will be the best in either case. I appreciate that if you buy a basic mono cartridge to try out you might mount it on a cheaper arm and table, and one day you will ask yourself if you are hearing what it is capable of, given the cheaper table/arm. So, unless you want to buy a second table just as good—the same—as your stereo table, interchangeable headshells are probably the way to go.

Whether a mono cartridge is “better” than a stereo cartridge used in mono mode will depend as much upon the differences between the selected stereo and mono cartridges, on the two different tonearms, and on the accuracy of alignment, as it does upon the choice of which way to produce a mono signal. Thus I think it’s very difficult to say that a mono cartridge is the best way to go. This also assumes cost is no object.

@lewm on my Technics GAE with an SME 309 arm, I switch from my Cadenza Black & Cadenza Mono, running to my Modwright 9.0. I can definitely hear a difference. With the  Mono, the base has more authority, & the music justs flows better.....😉

Are you also using a mono mode switch ? And are you comparing the switch alone to switch plus mono cartridge? No one is claiming a stereo cartridge in stereo mode is superior to mono cartridge on mono LP.

@lewm, I’ve tried every combo, but as you may or not know, the Cadenza is not a true Mono cart. I just went down that road not to fuss with adjustments. "Wax on-Wax off"!