What is meant exactly by the description 'more musical'?

Once in awhile, I hear the term 'this amp is more musical' for some amps. To describe sound, I know there is 'imaging' and 'sound stage'. What exactly is meant by 'more musical' when used to describe amp?


When a amp is not harsh and bright, tonally balanced and your sound is smooth with treble and bass. Some amps can have a strong bass oitput and become very punchy. For me the some Yamaha amps are very musical, while others can be bright.  My Luxman 590 is very detailed and the music is refined to hearing the clean crisp sound.  Its a matter of taste and preference,  i have Yamaha, Luxman, NAD and Emotiva EQ.  You tell me.





@webking185 wow, I think it’s cool that you have that collection. To me, my Yamaha setup is a bit more detailed because it has more of a holographic stage than my Luxman 595.


I love my Yamaha setup which is a r n2000a used as a preamp to a AS-3200. I never thought Yamaha would be this good. I plan on buying a Macintosh 12000. It might break my heart if I use it more than the Yamaha cuz the Yamaha is so good.... I am emotionally attached.



It's a subjective descriptor. It means that the whole of the component's sound conveys music in a way that pleases. Or a way that conveys the emotional content of the music. It's the most important descriptor. It is my bottom line when evaluating a component. 

Musicality is more related to the sound from the perspective of the gear in the mind of the average consumers ...

But in reality any gear experience evaluation AT LAST is conditioned by the relation between this gear system synergetical or not as chosen and the room acoustic ...( it is even conditioned by the mechanical embeddings working dimension ( vibrations/resonance) and also the electrical embeddings which is mostly the electrical noise floor level of the system/house) ...

Then i prefer the term immersiveness instead of musicality alone , it implicate the listener engulfed in the acoustic space of the recording himself , included in it or part of it with his own brain and room ...

But the real meaning of musicality acoustically speaking and out of any marketing vocabulary cover two aspects of sound related to two acoustics concepts , the timbre experience and the immersiveness experience which immersiveness is related to the ratio of the listener envelopment concept ( LV) in acoustic and his dual concept of the location and width of the sound source ( ASW) .


 Then musicality is an objective acoustic concept which we can control from inside the gear and from the room and from the relation between the two ...This objective concept and his related set of controls instances  can be measured in many ways and also subjectively evaluated ...