help choosing a turn table

good evening,

I will be purchasing my first turn table..  it will be for a second system using a Lyngdorf TDA 1120 combined with a pair of monitor audio gold 100 speakers .  Budget is preferably < 2k and ideally < $1,500..  music to be played is likely classic rock, 80 s music, maybe some alternative.. want detailed sound that is not fatiguing .. appreciate everyone’s input thanks 


I had Rega....don't like it. Get one with auto lift when the record is over....thank me later.

really appreciate everyone’s advice..  after reading some reviews, and considering everyone’s advice, I decided to go with the Rega 3 50th anniversary TT..  


warm regards and happy listening 👍🏼

Rega turntables are the most overrated and underperforming turntables.  Used VPI is the best in your price range.  


You know, I have to agree with that. I have owned Rega, and have friends with Rega and I have owned VPI… I agree. You will get solidity, dead quiet, and a deeper soundstage with VPI, minus a little bit of what is called liveliness… which I remain unsure of it being a positive attribute.

Rega is definitely not the best turntable, but it is the best for a first because it is basically set and forget, which is what you want when you’re starting out. Later on you can move to other things if you like. But not now. IMO.