Higher-End Class A/B vs. Class A Integrateds

I’ve been thinking about downsizing from separates to an integrated amp. I’ve noticed that some companies have both class A and class A/B amps that are both pretty expensive such as Luxman for example. Hegel seems to be well received and they’re not true class A as far as I know.

I was kind of under the impression that class A was better than class A/B due to lower distortion yet again, there are some well reviewed class A/B amps that are as pricey as some class A amps.

To be clear, it’s really not the price I’m concerned about. It’s the fact that some integrated amps $5000 and up are still only Class AB.

How do these higher priced class AB amps sound in comparison to true class A amps?


Kinda seems like this jumped right into the weeds about amp design without getting some critical bigger-picture info.  You’ve got a long list of equipment on your system page so what are you using now, what improvements would you like to achieve (if any), and what sound characteristics are most important to you?  That’s really the bottom line more than whether a given amp is Class A or A/B, at least IMHO.

Why do people conflate the heat of an amp to it's "sound signature?" Tube people do it all the time and it seems some class A people do too. Utterly baffling.


I am presently using the Classe CP-50 pre with the McCormack DNA 0.5 DE. Was trying to keep things cool in the Texas summer.

I may put the tube power amp in soon for a change of pace.

Anyhow, in my original post, I mentioned that I’m looking at moving away from separates and looking to get a nice sounding integrated. The only reason is that I heard a friend’s system where he’s using a PBN power amp (don’t know the model) and he claims it’s class A. I doubt that it’s all class A but I’ve no idea how many watts are class A. I did like the sound though. It seemed more pleasing to my ears. Smooth like going from a well scotch to an 18 yr. single malt. Effortless. And vocals on some recording made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

That’s why I’m curious as to whether I need to go Class A for that sound or will some Class AB designs fit the bill.

My room is fairly small and I sit fairly close to the speakers.

I listen to mostly Rock and Jazz so yes, I tend to listen loud a lot.

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Ok, as far as my friend’s PBN power amp. I asked him and he couldn’t find out much other than it’s the PBN Olympia Mini ( he thinks). I think he’s a little fried from his days of playing in bands in the 80’s and 90’s. From what I’ve been able to find, it is not a class A amp. It’s class AB. It weighs close to 100lbs.

It did sound good to me but was that because I was convinced it was class A at the time or was it that it has more power than what I’ve been using? IDK.

You folks gave me much more to consider as far as an integrated amps go. I feel now, that I can find one that does not have to be Class A and hopefully will be just as satisfying.