From pass xa25 to krell k-300i

Good morning!

I could change my pass xa25 to a krell k300i. Is it a upgrade?

I'm looking to a more resolution, open sound, transparency.

What are the differences between the two?

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Let’s see, one is just an amp that puts out 25 beautiful class a watts a side and the other is an integrated with a built in DAC that puts out 150 watts a side, up to 90 of which are class A and the rest are class B.


I’m a happy owner of the Krell K300i.   It’s a great amp.   I think the issue is one of synergy with the rest of the system.   My limited experience with Pass, is that those amps are smooth, refined, and warm.  I would not describe them as forward or punchy.   The Krell is all of the above in my system.   I would also add, that Krell customer service is superb.   I sent mine in for a left channel problem and they updated pretty much everything to the latest versions - all at no charge.

How about some context? Like what speakers, in how big of a room and what kind of music do you listen to at what level. That would be helpful.

No big room, I don’t Need Power. I’ m using tannoy cheviot and Graham LS3/5.

All kind of music. I look to resolution and detail with good recordings and on the human voice and instruments.