Anyone else suffering with Qobuz tonight

Been having issues with Qobuz- up, down, and staying down. Anyone else experiencing the same or is it just my area of service?


Qobuz is generally rock solid but last night was strange- it just dropped. Then it would pop back in after a few minutes and a few seconds later nothing. The wife was streaming movies and internet connections were all good. Just Qobuz. After a half hour or so it got back to normal- first time I had seen that as it’s usually great. Thanks to all who responded- glad to hear you weren’t missing out!

Never an issue for people like myself who decided to stick with physical media. My Cd's and albums are never down! 


👍 I’m with you on that one but I need the Qobuz for auditioning these long lists of new releases I go through prior to buying. 

I've never had an issue with Qobuz that I couldn't trace back to my network or the ISP.