Replacing surround with sound bar

The Bryston SP3 processor I use for surround doesn't take eARC so I need an eARC/HDMI converter.  It's messy.  For simplification I'm thinking of replacing the surround gear (SP3, 2 NAD stereo amps, 4 KEF LS50s, and a large center speaker) with a Sony HT A-700.  The audio of the new 85" Sony full array TV is quite good, so I don't bother with surround.  Any recommendations?

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My living room [where the big TV is] is terrible for acoustics of any kind.  I gave up on surround sound and went to a Klipsch soundbar and sub.  Not exactly audiophile quality, but sure can play loud if needed.



Thanks Erik, Now I get it. My main system uses inputs from cable box, AppleTV and DVD player… so we never use the TV as input. All the bedroom stuff is contemporary. Wow, I missed that problem… I was lucky for once.

ghdprentice, if the audio of the 85" Sony weren't so good I'd be more motivated to fire up the Ayre preamp and set it to by-pass, fire up the Bryston SB-3 and select TV input, but Sony really has done a job with the audio of that TV.  I think I miss more the 3 Velodyne HGS -15s.  Maybe I'll try surround again.  It's all set up and ready to go.

Get the Sony is a big step up from goofyass soundbars without the complications of 5.2.4, 7.4.6 etc atmos setups.

The Sony HT A9 was what got me to consider sound bars.  The need for AC outlets for each module seemed a turn-off,  but that's when I was thinking about replacing the LS50s with the modules.  If nstead I place the modules near AC outlets that might work.  In the meantime I'll retry my surround setup.