Audio Research Financial Troubles

Was wondering if anyone had noticed that there seems to be a lot of ARC for sale on this site (62 right now) and on eBay there is 268 listings for ARC. Is this in response to the rumor of ARC having financial troubles and people are worried they may go under. Does anyone have an update on this or other info or am I being paranoid? And has the demand for ARC equipment gone down due to this? It appears that the ARC stuff is not selling. Your thoughts.Thanks.


One thing that struck me while reading the receivership documents was how little ARC really is.  I seriously doubt it ever really made net income after salaries. Bill Johnson didn’t get rich and the last 3 owners didn’t either. 

I’m reminded of the old axiom: “ Sell To the classes eat with the masses, sell

to the masses eat with the classes”


I think owning ARC is a trophy hunt- or a labor of love.  If you want to make real money get elected to congress. 

This discussion is about 6 months late; ARC’s issues have been resolved with what must be very close to the best possible outcome. If ARC was swept up by another huge corporate conglomerate, OR passed to another small owner in over his head, there would be cause for continued concern. But going to Val Cora seems about the perfect fit here.

If you’re still concerned about ARC, don’t look too close at all the other companies in this industry. ARC’s current status seems more solid than average - and crucially, they’re not a "one-man show" where that one guy is nearing or past retirement age.


... ARC’s issues have been resolved ...

Customers who are waiting months before even being allowed to return their products for service would not likely agree that the issues "have been resolved." The company seems to have acquired the capitalization it needed to continue operations, but it looks to me like it has a long road ahead.

Hey, I understand where you are coming from. I own a Ref 5 SE. let me know when I can stop by and grab your Ref 6,3,or 2,SE on the cheap so you do not have to worry anymore. 😁