Not sure if I have enough oomph.

I've got a new in box Revel Salon 2 set ready to pickup for $15k

Not sure if my Krell KMA160's have what it takes.

240 WAtts at 6 ohms.

I'm thinking it's marginal.


Thanks guys.


Try it with krell if don't like it bi amp it use krell for base and find a amp for the upper end I have the salon 1 and like running 1k through may be people aren't running enough wat5s through to get all the speakers singing.i have not tried the tube amp on the top end much fun not enough time.have fun you'll like them and enjoy the music

For an arena? No, you don't have enough power.

For the average home listening room?  You'll be just fine.

Of course the power requirements for just about any speaker depends upon not only sensitivity but also the type of music you listen to & at what volume level. if you like your music loud n a big room, you’ll use every bit of what you have & could probably benefit from more power. 

there is a difference between being just fine and being able to feel the low end thump that comes from having raw watts in your amp regardless of volume ... I think your underpowered for the speakers to truly shine

Hey, I own the Studio 2. These speakers go down below 4ohm. I believe it’s 3.78 ohms. I had an Ayre VX5 amp that did push them without distortion but they wouldn’t disappear. Even though the Ayre has 350 watts at 4ohm that is about where they capped off. Think of them as Maggie’s in a box. I use the Luxman M10X amp. It works great because it plays all the way down to 1 ohm. One trick if you feel they are a little under powered try tilting them forward with the spikes. A friend has the Sim 400 mono blocks on his Salon 2s. He loves them. Hegel line will do pretty good because of the damping factor. If you can find an older Plinius amp for about $3k it will make them sing due to all the class A power. The reason I got an amp to push them correctly is because the sound is so real you will be a little freaked out once they bloom. Hegel has a new 600 amp that just came out so the older 590 should be a steal. I hope this helps.