Help and opinions needed on pre-amp situation

For this one, I would like to hear from enthusiats instead of people who sell stuff. I’ve been using integrated amplifiers for all my years in this "hobby." I recently went to mono blocks- a pair of the class D Atma-Shpere’s to be specific. I’m using balanced XLR connections straight from a Lumin S1 streamer/dac/preamp into the mono blocks using Lumin’s LeedH volume processing deal. It’s a nice and simple setup with nothing else in the signal path.

The question is: am I missing out on better sound by leaving out an Atma-Sphere MP-3.3 tube preamp? Will adding a preamp improve, diminish, or retain the existing sound quality- as far as soundstage, imaging, depth, tonal balance etc is concerned? This preamp deal is not cheap (for me). Has anyone been in this situation? Did the preamp improve the sound, keep it the same, or make it worse? Am I better off just leaving it as-is with my minimalistic setup?

A couple of other things to consider:

My turntable is collecting dust since changing over to the mono blocks, I didn’t listen to vinyl often even with the integrated since my digital front sound better then my vinyl gear. If it made $ense, it would be nice to have the ability to listen to vinyl again.

At some point I may also have to connect a projector to my system to play audio. Then the issue becomes that projectors do not have balanced XLR output. Most are HDMI. I’m not sure if the MP-3 preamp will work or if a different preamp is better choice here etc. I’d like to keep with the same brand for obvious reasons if possible.

Has anyone been in this situation before and pulled the trigger? If you have- your input, suggestions, and opinions would be greatly appreciated.



True audiophile companies are like this. The people in them are passionate about what they do, and above all else want folks to achieve and enjoy high end audio. For those of us that have been pursing high end audio for a long time have connected, and are people like this.

This is one of the reasons I find it hard to tolerate folks that incorrectly think the real core of high end is some trick to take their money or companies like Atma-Sphere, Wilson, and others are get rich schemes. These companies are driven by folks passionate about audio and truly want to share the experience.


Just an update. MP-3 makes a large improvement in the sound quality. Money has been well-spent.


Just saw this thread today or I would have chimed in earlier. I've owned an MP-3.3 for about two years now, originally pairing it with M-60s. I switched to Ralph's Class Ds earlier this year and I couldn't be happier. I've tried all my power amps with input direct from my DAC and I've preferred having a preamp in the circuit regardless of the amps or preamps used. The MP-3.3 is definitely the keeper. Enjoy!

Just an update. MP-3 makes a large improvement in the sound quality. Money has been well-spent.

Thanks for the follow up, and congrats on a great decision and purchase.  Enjoy!

Thanks again. It was happy with the sound on the first day. It's settling in a bit and sounds even better on day 2.😁