Testing Ethernet switch

If you have bought an "audio" Ethernet switch, don't bother with this thread 

If you question Ethernet switches, here is one test of one brand. 

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What a fascinating discussion with a very predictable arc. You can't hear a difference. No, I can hear a difference. You can't hear a difference because my science says you can't hear a difference. No, I can hear a difference because my science is better. You can't hear a difference because I have more certifications. No I can hear a difference because my certifications are better. Well, you can't hear a difference because my system is better than yours. No, you can hear a difference because my system cost more money than yours which is the ultimate measure of knowledge. Only one step away from the natural conclusion of all such comparisons. I appreciate the passionate views, and it is entertaining

One solution might be for those who believe they can hear a difference to invest their money in audiophile switches, and those who believe you cannot hear a difference to do the opposite

Otherwise, it seems unlikely that will we will reach consensus 

not expecting any Perry Mason moments here 


Post removed 

@jeffrey125 lol, you do not own anything, anybody who even says a thing like that is just a big L in life. 

your speakers are 5k new, and while I have never heard them, they seem ok-ish in the lo-fi range, certainly not punching up to mid-fi. 

@tonywinga owned me? lol, by your own definition you are a clown. 🤡

Post a supporting article that shows that the author has any resemblance of expertise. You cannot. 

Totaly Clueless @fredrik222 Yep owned again and agin fly away Robin. Lot's of stuff you have never heard including a good DAC. Such a maroon. 

Enjoy Boy Wonder. Have music to listen to.