Totem Towers

I realize Totem Acoustics new Bison speakers (monitor and towers) have been out since December 2022---hardly any reviews on here. I'd like to see if they would be a good match with my Belles Aria integrated. Has anyone seen or heard them? Thanks in advance.


Friend had Aria preamp with Belles Aria Mono Blocks...very similar in sound (and price) to Aria Signature Integrated...Belles website used to have a nice article about advantages of integrated over separates, not sure if it's still there...

Hopefully one of the big Youtube reviewers will get these in soon---I'm very curious. They do look quite a bit like the Hawks.

If they are as good as the hawks, then they're a no brainer for small/medium spaces, without a sub.  I am so impressed with the soundstage that my hawks produce, so impressed by the quality of the components used and assembly.

Too bad there's not an all lot of info about the woofer used.. is it coated paper, polymer, long throw?