Full range stand mounted speakers

I would like to replace my Golden Ear Triton one.r speakers with equivalent stand mounted speakers.  Reason - Golden Ear is covered with cloth that cat’s love, and we are expecting 2 new kittens soon.

you beet me to it for a vintage suggestion. One of the only full range stand mount speakers i know of that actual do full range are the big A/D/S stand mounts. I have L910's and they go well into the 20HZ range. maybe not as detailed as modern speakers but every bit as musical. Hell they sound more musical and balanced then my new Spendor D9.2's (sold now). 

cant go wrong with some ADS speakers for a first or second system they are quite enjoyable to listen to for extended periods. L710,L810,L910 are my fav stand mounts. 

I like the recommendation of Fyne Audio, but I would suggest looking at the F701, kinda pricey @ $7-8k, but the sweet spot of the range, and the larger woofer in the F701 will meet your full-range requirements.

If you are open to vintage and much cheaper, I am a BIG fan or Paradigm’s Reference Series 40.  Particularly V2 and V3.  At this point about 20 years old…they can be found in good shape, I just scored a second pair for about $700 plus shipping.

Good luck with your search.

Hey, I know these are not full range book shelf speakers. They are floor stand speakers. A guy I knew had the exact same problem. He went with Audio Physics 25s. They are glass with a bass driver in inside the glass cabinet. They absolutely disappear and have great full range sound. I hope this helps. 

There is no such thing as a full range stand mount loudspeaker. They all need subwoofers for the best performance and our cat is scared to death of them. 

Don't sell your Golden Ears. You can train the cats to stay away from them. You place these mats in front of the speakers. Every time they try to walk up to the speaker they get a small dose of static electricity. It will not harm a kitten at all, it is just strong enough to be unpleasant. After a little while they won't even think of heading in that direction. I have Sound Labs speakers, ceiling to floor grill cloth and our cat could care less. We took the mats away a long time ago. 
