Tweeter protection

Hello, I have a few sets of B&W 800 series speakers and I'd like to install an inline fuse to protect my tweeters. My question is; should I go with 125v or 250v 1 amp fuse? Open to suggestions.Thanks


Don't do it.  Fuses are never good for sound, especially in the signal path.

Thank you Gents. I just went for $500.00 plus for 4 new diaphragms. It must be that when I recalibrate my AVR, it's set to high.  

Hello Danmart!  Use a 20 mfd capacitor; nothing less than a Mundorf KRP. You will be protected from DC and low frequency damage (like when a cable breaks or is detached or plugged in while the power amp is runnng) and it will not degrade sound as much as a fuse would. Enjoy the music!

The amplifier provides clean power to the tweeter which is the best protection!

Tweeters usually get fried from excess energy due to amplifier clipping.

It must be that when I recalibrate my AVR, it's set to high.  

If you're using an AV receiver to power power-hungry B&W 800 Series speakers, set the crossover to "small speaker" and use the subwoofer for LFE to prevent amplifier clipping.