High Fidelity Cables?

I’ve noticed for the past week or so, that my favorite cable manufacturer, High Fidelity Cables, is closed due to Covid.  Anyone know anything more?


@raysmtb1 Every company develops new lines of products that they claim is better than the last. Why is it bad this time? You are just being irrational.

@agisthos I am well aware of that but this guy is a chronic business starter/closer. He starts one and then closes it, he started the second one and then he closes it. This is his third shot at that I think. Most people keep just keep involving the original business through the years. This guy just locked the doors one day and nobody knows what’s up.

@raysmtb1 You are not ’well aware’ of anything. Virtual Dynamics was started in the late 90’s. He specifically closed it in 2010 to pursue the magnetic tech which had investor money and many patents behind it. He could have just continued VD until today to keep you happy but chose the more difficult/exciting path of new advances in signal technology.

But this required partners and with that the higher overheads - much higher than all the one man band cable companies that are just buying RCA connectors and wire from an industrial catalogue.

It lasted 10 years and yes it never worked out. But consider he was only a part owner of the company and perhaps it wasn't his decision to pull the plug.

But then to imply from that he is a serial business defaulter is totally unfair IMO. He has been in this industry for close to 25 years and after ONE time this happens out pop all these false claims about him.

Rick has always done well by me. His products are great and i will continue to do business with him when needed.

I know I will just steer away from any company this guy is affiliated with. To many stories and where there is smoke there is fire.