The Audiophile Upgrade Easiest to Ignore

Common wisdom when putting together an audio system is to first choose the speakers. It makes sense except speakers are not the last device in the audio hardware chain. Our ears are.

My audiologist tells me about two-thirds of the individuals he tests have a hearing impairment. My left ear significantly dips in the mid-range. My right ear takes a dive at 1kHz. As an avid audiophile, I finally realized that I could never build a truly high fidelity system unless I could properly evaluate audio gear.

I thought that because I could hear voices ok my hearing had to be good for music as well. How wrong I was! Ear infections began to erode my hearing acuity until I had to take hearing tests, treat the problems, and get hearing aids to make up for my deficiencies.

I'll never forget the day when I tried my new pair of hearing aids. I could carry on a conversation without uttering "What did you say?" with great frequency. And I could hear music in its full glory. It's as if I had bought a new piece of audio gear, which in fact I had, and tonality, instrument separation, and the rest of the attributes often used to describe an excellent piece of gear had made an appearance

I regret not having corrected my hearing much sooner. I missed on a great deal of joy for many years. I'm writing this post to urge those of you fellow audiophiles, even if you have no problem hearing normal speech, to get a hearing test. There are good ones in free apps that are a good first step towards a professional test. One called "Hearing Test" is quite exceptional and available on Android phones.

Doing a hearing test takes just a few minutes and is extremely easy to do. Don't cheat yourself of all the subtleties and nuances that music offers when it is so easy to do something about it.

And let the community know. Perhaps then print and video audio reviewers will follow suit and improve the credibility of their reviews. God knows what they often say about gear performance sounds nothing like what I hear, even allowing for differences in equipment synergy and room acoustics.

If would be awesome if reviewers published their own hearing tests and what they have done to correct any deficiencies they have. I don't think it's asking for too much given the influence they have on the audio equipment we spend a great deal of money to acquire.


Sooooo, we need get our 'impairement curve' from the audiologist. 

Then we can tell Audacity (or other equalizer) to compensate what the in-hearing-location microphone measurement found and then we have perfect audio.

Its time that somone develops a DBC (digital to brain converter) so we can bypass speakers, room AND EARS (darn things are no good for nothing).

I have suffered with tinnitus for over 20 years and as I get older "74" it only gets worse. I have worn aids for 15 years and am on my 4th set of them. The current ones are Audibel by Starkey. They are very programmable from my iPhone but there is no real fix for diminished hearing. 

Now you guys have the high end speaker manufacturers drooling. Wilson mini puppy or Bowers & Wilkins  .800's

I'm a Widex Moment user and very happy with them. They are not perfect but are dramatically better than all of the others I have had (Phonax, Costco). The others sounded so bad they were essentially unusable. They were edgy, grating, unnatural. 

I am nowhere near the ear deficiencies described by many here and feel for them. I do have tinnitus and took a professional hearing test last year. As a 69 year old, my hearing is as good as most people my age. A small reduction in upper frequencies, both ears pretty even.

So all I ever needed is the new Loki Max. You can get your upper frequencies back on any record you want. I believe that's where most audiophiles miss the boat. Their inacceptance of any type of equalizer for purity reasons.  If your hearing is young and perfect, good for you. Otherwise you are going upstream without a paddle in your pursuit of audio nirvana.