New Technics SL-1200GR2

What a time to be alive - more innovation and refinement from one of the worlds best!  I've been rocking an original fully upgraded KAB unit for a while, but be told the new units have always piqued my interest.  Seems like they spent time and effort to improve the drive system mainly.  Wondering if anyone had a chance to look through the specs? 



Why not write Kevin and get his thoughts. I am sure many here would like to know what he thinks.

Bill / Elliot -- you guys read my mind.  

@billstevenson :  I don't think there are many with your direct experience with both.  I appreciate your thoughts.  Truth is, when the new line of 1200 were announced, I was itching for an upgrade.  I've modded mine over the past many years and it's all DIY (pretty good DIYer imo ;)).  So, it was nice to think that all the upgrades were 'built in' from the factory.  In the end, I opted to wait.  

I'm quite happy with the KAB 1200 - it fits the bill for now.  though, I'm always looking for the next platform to build upon.    

I read a lot of good things about the Technics brand. When did they really up their game? I remember back when they were a RadioShack brand and just ok. I believe they were manufactured by Panasonic and maybe others back then.


while I currently am not running a Turntable in my system, I know that every 1200 has been a solid contender!

All the best.

It would behoove some of you to do some research on Technics history. They’ve made some state of the art TT s since the 1970s, like the SP10, the SP10 mk2 and 2A, and the TOTL SP10mk3 (only lately superseded by the SP10R), along with the venerable and flexible SL1200 series, which was marketed in various guises for various kinds of use. No matter how you modify an excellent late model SL1200, it can never be a G series, because the latter has many integral features, like a coreless motor and upgraded platter and chassis, that aftermarket sources can’t supply. Whether you can hear those differences is a different question but will always be a subjective one.

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