What is your most fond musical memory.

One that makes you yearn for the ‘good old days.’

Mine took place in 1970. My grandparents were going on a world tour and I had their whole house to myself for 2 months. Alone at last!. I was 16. First thing I did was set up my audio system. Then I turned down the lights and put on the just released Grand Funk “Closer to Home’ album. I thought I was in heaven when ‘I’m your Captain’ came on. 10 minutes of Pure Bliss. To this day I get the tingles whenever I play that song.



The days I dated singer. I was in my 30s and fresh after divorce:-)

Even though I accompanied her on many occasions, I did not like that music, but certainly liked more "rewards" outside of rehearsals and performances. 


Tom Waits came to Seattle an my buddy Ron somehow got us tickets on the second row.  A memory burned into my conciousness both musically and performance wise.

We’ve seen a lot of “industry” people living in So Cal. over the years, but the night I spent sitting next to Tom Waits at a bar I,ll never forget. We were in the basement of a Chinese restaurant in the worst part of downtown LA ,the Cathy de grande, it was a great venue in the 80,s for punk and new wave. We were watching Top Jimmy and the rhythm pigs, who would go on to be immortalized in the Van Hallen song “TopJimmy” in 1984. Waites had just been on the Mike Douglas show and he did this routine with the cigarettes where he patted all his pockets looking for the pack and matches while hunched over. I couldn’t resist,I bummed a Chesterfield from him and he did his thing.I was in heaven,


Went to a Friend's birthday party in New Jersey back in the early 70's and he had a band he knew playing at his party. Some bearded guy sung with a backup band named the E Street Band. They were good. I heard they made it big.