The most natural sound in the world.


I will get a lot of heat for my statement, but hearing is believing.

No need for any “heat”. 

We can only share what our actual experiences have yielded. It is going to no doubt vary from from one individual’s outcome to another’s results. Personally AC power quality and grounding have demonstrated their high degree of impact. I’m fortunate to have good room acoustics so it hasn’t been a major issue in “my” case.


Who needs all that? Sounds awesome on my phone! 😉 I never really understood the concept of trying to hear a system on my system though.

Any recording of anything, be it YT or a similar medium, is always going to be 'shaded' by your equipment and your environment.  Best option is to listen with headphones, to at least, eliminate the latter.  Even better IRL, but...not practical. ;)

It's a nice gesture for the OP to share his obviously nice kit with us, tho'....and a willingness to 'take a request' or 2...👍😃

It's a holiday weekend, after all....*G*

Enjoy, J