Warranty repair wait times - serious industry problem??

I'm looking at buying a used amplifier that needs some work, and lucky it's still under warranty. In researching places to get work done it's horrifying to learn that it could take two or three months after speaking to a few places.

Is this a widespread problem in the audio gear repair world? That's really bad.



My neighbor has a couple 275 amps that are not used, older and need some attention. Definitely out of warranty, and service repair places say mcintosh says best to go to a service center. This was as of two months ago.

Currently don't know what timing is for mac. They don't like to be in the servicing business that's why they have a net work. CJ is a good place to send gear and they don't take that long. 


... mcintosh says best to go to a service center ...They don’t like to be in the servicing business that’s why they have a net work.

Nonsense. I’ve done business with McIntosh and the company delivers excellent service. Mac’s service network can save shipping costs and offers customers options. But to say the company doesn’t "like to be in the servicing business" is pure BS. In audio, McIntosh is the gold standard in service.

This is not limited to technology. I brought my Stihl leaf blower in for servicing to the store from where I bought it. They said sure, you can leave it and pick it up in 6 months. I asked if I could discuss my problem with one of the repair people and I would try to service myself. They said sure so I walked into the back of the store and there were 2 guys back there with a mountain of Stihl products waiting to be repaired or serviced. Probably 250 at least. At that point, I said to myself that I would use it until it dies and then just buy a new one when I can't fix it myself any longer. I suspect the same trend is happening with audio. There just isn't enough trained technicians. My local audio repairman finally retired after 40 years of service when he just could not find anyone to take it over. He would have given it to someone for nothing. Sounds like a great trade to learn especially with all these young kids getting into vinyl. It would be great if our local technical colleges would start offering audio repair programs. 

Rolex started a tuition-free training school for watchmakers in Lititz, Pennsylvania because the numbers of trained (and qualified) watch repair technicians was concerningly low, low enough to jeopardize the market for their products in North America. After sales service in that small industry has been constrained by manufacturers that will not sell parts to third-party service companies but who themselves are unable to provide timely service to their customers. And the charges for those services are not low. Audio isn't much different. Service of older gear works against sales of new gear, so there is a disincentive to make out-of-warranty service fast and convenient, whereas in-warranty service requires speedy and correct work to honor the contract of the warranty and the reputation of the maker.

I don't follow why warranty service would get priority by repair centers. Truth is it's a very low profit business compared to other repair work, and when there's a shortage of skilled labor to do the work, there is no incentive for manufactures to really take much of an interest. It's a dying profession.

Reputation when slow walking a warranty repair is really a non-issue for manufacturers. To delay means increased profits it's that simple. Anything to Delay a decrease in cash flow. It's an ugly business, this is the dark side.