Speaker for constellation audio

I am looking for full range speaker suggestions from actual constellation audio owners. Some say YG. Some say Magico. I can’t imagine these are the only two brands used. What about Sonus, Wilson, Avalon to name a few?


Some don,t understand living in a small town. Going to listen might be 300 miles and may not even have a brand you want to hear. This is why I have to ask such questions. I do have some faith in owners and trials they have gone through. 

It doesn’t matter that someone owns Constellation electronics if their tastes in music reproduction and speakers differ from yours.  You’d be better off sharing what sound characteristics you’re looking for and what improvements you’d like over what you have now and you’ll get better and more targeted recommendations here.  Just my $0.02 FWIW.

I use the Constellation Integrated very successfully with my Perlisten S7t, set up in my system on this site.

I understand the small town thing. Playing at that level I think it might be a worthwhile investment to attend an audio show where you can get at least a rough feel for the sound of various speakers on your list and maybe add some more. From there you might be able to pick or do some more in depth auditions of the ones you like. 

There are lots of advantages living in a small town, I am a bit jealous. But local auditions is not one of them.


I highly recommend a trip to the big city. Make appointments to audiotion specific speakers. No, you cannot audition everything, but you don’t have to. You want to become familiar with a few main stream speaker types. They have a house sound. So if you like Sonus Faber, or Wilson, or Magico… then they all will be similar with greater dynamics, resolution, and imaging as you go up the levels.

By auditioning some mainstream speakers you can then go back and read professional reviews… The Absolute Sound, Stereophile, and HiFi+… stick with these mostly. And that should calibrate you to those you have heard and allow you to read reviews of others you have not heard… if those seem to fit your tastes best.

Speakers are really the key determinate of the sound you are going to want to choose carefully. Typically you do this first… but there are no absolutes, you can do it in any order. Just because some folks here paired a speaker with your electronics does not mean you will like the sound.

If your wife is game, take her… to a show and dinner in the evening. Make it a weekend. Or get up early… make a mad dash for a few hours. You’ll have the trip back to mull over what you heard.