Am I broken? Am I stuck? Do I have to return my audiophile card now?

Hi Everyone,


I hope you're all doing well!  I am looking for a little advice or input and see if others have experienced this, or am I broken?


First, I want to say I am a Wilson fan boy.  Love 'em, hate 'em, whatever, but I love their speakers.  I will also fully admit that I've been in love the with the idea of owning Wilson's since I was a teenager.  Well, about a year ago things worked out - I had the money and we moved into a house (from a condo) - so I auditioned a few different speakers but the Wilson's were what ended up being my choice, specifically SabrinaX's.  I LOOOOVE them.  I drive them with an RME ADI-2 DAC into a Luxman L-509X.  To me, it sounds fantastic.  What one reviewer said about the Sabrina's is what I feel most accurately expresses how I feel about them.  It was something along the lines of, "I enjoy every moment I spend listening to the Sabrina's and think about listening to them every moment I am not listening to them."  


But the Sabrina's have one flaw.  They aren't Sasha's, or really, WATT/Puppies as those were the speakers my young self always wanted.  But I wrote off the Sasha's at the time because they were more money, and are MUCH bigger.  Life was good.


But then my dealer had a Wilson event and I met the one and only Peter McGrath.  What cool dude.  Anyway, I mentioned to him my love for Sasha's and he fired back that the DAW's were going to be soon replaced that my dealer could probably work out a pretty sweet deal on a pair. 


My dealer auditioned the DAW's for me with a pretty modest (relatively speaking) amp, at my request.  A Hegel H120 using the internal DAC/Streamer.  Well, the DAW's easily blew my Sabrina's out of the water here.  The imaging was far, far sharper, bigger deeper, taller stage, far more detailed, actual SLAMM and the dynamics...  Oh brother, the dynamics....


So here's the thing, my dealer is amazing just doesn't know how to say "no" so he's offered me a smookin' good deal on a trade in for my Sabrina's for the Sasha's.  I can very comfortably afford to do the swap.  My wife is fine with the size/looks of the DAW's.  Everything is a go!  But...  But I come home and listen to my Sabrina's and think, "This is friggin amazing!" and so I am left not pulling the trigger.  I'm actually happy with the sound, despite knowing that there is better.


The other side of this is that I used to want to pursue a better amp/DAC for my Sabrina's but now I don't really.  After having heard the DAW's I know the Sabrina's will never reach that level, regardless of gear.  So spending on a amp/DAC seems silly when, if I am going to spend the money, I know I should just get the DAW's as that will offer a greater improvement.

It's like I've stale mated myself!  

I don't want to change my Sabrina's because they sound so good.  But the DAW's do sound better.  But I am happy with the Sabrina's!  And so the circle goes...

So am I broken?  Am I to be stripped of my audiophile card?  Has anyone else experienced this where they can fully acknowledge that there is better than what they have, but still not have the motivation to make the leap?  Or maybe I'm just being cheap (I do also want to support my dealer because he's amazing)?

Maybe I'm alone here in how I feel.  But I suspect there are a few audio-friends who may understand.

Happy listening,




Okay, round 2.  I replied but Audiogon had a pop up - something about a wanting my phone number or whatever - and it ate my last reply.  Sick programming.  Anyway...

First, thank you to everyone who took the time to reply and provide input.  I really appreciate it!!  Thank you.  I want to go though the main points brought up as they are really good.

Second, I want to talk about the suggestion of an in-home demo.  My dealer actually suggested this right away and offered it at no cost (I mentioned they are awesome, right?).  I passed because, well, frankly, I know it's a lot of work for them and I'm not sure it would give me any new information.  When I auditioned the Sasha's I did so in the same room that I auditioned my Sabrina's.  The Sasha's were positioned in the same place relative the walls, each other and me as they would be in my home.  Yes, their room sounds different than mine, but I have a good enough of a baseline to contrast having heard the Sabrina's in both rooms. 

Another comment was about size and the Sasha's being possibly too big.  I'm not really worried about this for a few reasons.  First, I know a few other people who have Alexia's in rooms smaller than mine and they sound great.  Second, my wife doesn't think they are too big.  And, I mean, isn't that the ultimate test?!  If your wife doesn't think the speakers are too big for the family room, they simply aren't too big right?!  HAHA!  :)

Third: DAC's.  I hear ya, I really do.  A while back I mentioned getting a better DAC to try and increase the performance of my Sabrina's to my dealer.  Before I could finish the sentence he was loading a PS Audio DSD Mk2 in my trunk for me to try.   I should point out my dealer rocks.  For me, the DAC was better but the difference was honestly pretty subtle, especially given it is thousands and thousands of dollars more.  I'm certain the PS Audio is a great DAC, but to my ears, it didn't offer the incremental increase in MY system that $7-$8k more would need to make for me to justify it.  I also want to talk about a few of the DAC's I've had a home are various times over the years.  I've had an MSB Analog, Bircasti M1, Schiit Yggy, Lampizator Lvl4, ANK Level 5, Chord DAVE, dCS Debussy and others. DAC's definitely make a difference but, to me, in MY experience the hierarchy of what has an impact goes something like this:

Room Placement
Room Treatment
Speaker Cables
Power Cables
Digital Cables

Now, this is MY experience.  YMMV.  And I know, you are 100% smarter than me, know more and my opinion is dumb and the most important thing is actually something different, etc, etc, etc.  That's okay, we can have different opinions and don't have to hate each other because of it.  I'll respect your view, so please extend the same courtesy.  The above is just based on my own personal, limited experience. 

So, to me, speakers make a much more significant impact to the sound than a DAC, and in this case the delta between the Sasha's and Sabrina's is smaller than the spend I would need to improve DAC's by a significant margin.  Basically, bang for my buck, right now, the Sasha's are the ticket.  

I also want to cement this idea by saying again when I auditioned the Sasha's I intentionally asked for a relatively modest amp/source.  The Hegel H120 is a great integrated but I'm willing to bet the DAC is at best as good as mine and the amp is inferior to the Luxman.  Basically, my kit behind the Sabrina's is better at home but the Sasha's were still by far and wide the better performer.  Even with a better DAC the Sabrina's will not reach the Sasha's performance. 

So why am I hesitating?  

Someone very nicely pointed out that my stereo is better than most people's.  I am SUPER fortunate to have it in my life.  It's a great pleasure and I enjoy it every single day.  I am very grateful that I have the Sabrina's in my life.  I have no urge to get better sound because, well, they already sound amazing!

But... There's always a but, right?  

Some people had a poster of a Ferrari on their wall as a kid.  I had a cut out from Stereophile of WATT/Puppies on my wall.  The Sasha's are the modern version, be it the DAW's, V's or whatever future version.  I have always wanted the iconic Wilson speaker.  Yes, it's an emotional decision - And that differs from anything else about this hobby of ours...  How exactly? 

So here is my dilemma, I am happy where I am.  But there is a childhood itch to get the Sasha's.  I could scratch it but does that ever live up the pent up desire?  Is it not better to sometimes hold on to the desire rather than realize the reality of it?

Satiating every want, after all, does not make someone happy.

Has anyone else ever willfully abstained from an upgrade for a similar reason?

Anyway, thank you all again for being my sounding board and listening to me ramble.  I really appreciate it.

(Cautiously copies this post to Notepad before hitting the post button....)

Well you can look at the picture of the Ferrari on you wall or you can buy one (assuming you can afford it).  No mystery to me what I'd do.  I've upgraded, downgraded and moved sideways (both directions) in my long audio journey.  Its what we do.  I've always found a speaker upgrade will typically be the biggest bang for your buck.  Seems like you already know that too.  Just go for it (its what we do) 🙃.

@bigfatpaulie Big Fat Paul: I read your long entertaining post. Thank you for coming back here. For the life of me however, I didn’t understand whether you decided to do it or not.


Granted, swapping speakers is the toughest decision one had to do in this hobby. Not just about figuring out what speakers to get, but also logistically. Especially big floor standing speakers. But it looks like your awesome dealer is doing this very easy for you. So what do you have to lose? How much (extra) money are we talking about here?


Huge differences compared to when you first posted here a short one year ago!



Throwing more money at a DAC or power cables/audio cables...?   Not what I'd suggest.  But, hey, we all have our opinions.

I fell in love with the sound of Devore O/96 speakers and was offered an in-home audition.  I abstained.  On major reason was that I may well have loved the sound of those in my room.  But in a way I didn't want that experience because I also knew they would be a harder fit aesthetically and ergonomically in my room, given it shares duty with home theater.  (Wide speakers like the Devores could encroach on my projection screen space behind my speakers).  So a bit of "better not go there."

Another area I have restrained myself is upgrading my home theater.  I've had a 4K capable projector for years, yet still haven't upgraded my source to 4K!  And I'm a home theater nut!   Unfortunately my system is complex enough that it would take upgrading all my video cables, and re-running new cabling through floors etc.  Now, if I were in Home Theater Upgrade mode that's something I probably would have done long ago.  But it's expensive and a hassle, and between the home theater and my music system, the money kept going to my music system.  I could always fall back on "the image I have is so bloody fantastic as it is, do I REALLY need to change it now?"

Now, since I've finally spent myself out on the music system, my HT is my next upgrade, when money permits.