Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?

Many of you ask others to advise you, but the answer to so many questions is system dependent.  Why don’t you post your system on your profile prior to requesting help?


There is a difference between acting SILENTLY on a principle , which principle is to not give an info to someone who did not post any information about his system ... I can understand that , after all you need this info sometimes to advise someone... But remember that you can also received by private mail this information if the person who ask the question mean it and do not want to post his private room image here ... ( as i said i posted my room acoustic image and i received even insults by private mail )

But repeating ad nauseam in a strong voice that YOU WILL NOT GIVE ANY INFORMATION TO PEOPLE WHO DID NOT POST THEIR SYSTEM PHOTO, is presuming that people here will be interested by your "so sensible" urge to help them to begin with, and it presume that you are so important with your advices that it sound like a threat to any member...

Perhaps it is better to keep for yourself your decision and principle...Once this is said ONE TIME...

Here we are ALL friends in principle , and we must help if we can , photo or not...

I will help you even if you dont have any images if i can help you...I hope you will understand the point...

I wish you the best sincerely...


I am not going to make audio recommendations to people that don’t post their system.


@cleeds based on the fact that my comment about the site (it wasn't so much about the site but about the comments defending the site) was removed in less than 8 hours, my feedback/constructive criticism may not be welcome.

Just a guess 👻

@mahgister : +1


I find fighting over posting system pictures here ridiculous. That’s a personal choice driven by personal considerations. There is no right or wrong.

Post removed 


You know why you gotta post memes? Because you got no actual system to post,



I agree, but notice all the people that are whining trolls are the ones that got no system, no pics, and no game.