Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?

Many of you ask others to advise you, but the answer to so many questions is system dependent.  Why don’t you post your system on your profile prior to requesting help?


Showing 15 responses by grislybutter

@cleeds based on the fact that my comment about the site (it wasn't so much about the site but about the comments defending the site) was removed in less than 8 hours, my feedback/constructive criticism may not be welcome.

Just a guess 👻

on a second thought: the comment policing here is childish at best, terrifying at worst. I grew in a dictatorship (still a dictatorship today, back there) and I am keenly aware of the State destroying free speech and any sign of criticism. Here, on this occasionally fun but mostly silly comment flow dump/absolutely harmless forum, there is zero reason to delete comments that point out the obvious that this framework/engine is so old, so outdated, it's almost like driving a vintage automobile: hard and unpleasant and scary but if you are old, it feels familiar, and brings back memories. For a normal person though, with reasonable technical skills, this site is joke.


It bothers me. Doesn't bother me more than an SUV taking up 2 spaces a the supermarket or dog poop on my side walk, but it does bother me. Enough to comment on it.


yesterday I lost 3 comments because the system prompted me to update my phone number. It was painful

@nonoise so I just think this forum engine is ready to be driven off the cliff. It's so bad, it's not worth patching up. 

this address verification is ridiculous too, I entered my address and it said "INVALID"!!!?????????

Do you guys know how to validate addresses? I'd be happy to help, I do it for a living - GIS


 "have had zero issues with this website" that's what the islander said when he first saw a Trabant, he never saw a Lexus so he thought the Trabant was awesome. 

Also, keep saying this web site works fine, keep deleting my comments it will soo fix it!


I requested my account to be deleted, please don't cry, enjoy the commenting. It's an awesome awesome forum engine, the shining star of technology of the year 2023 :) 

@ghdprentice I am upset about moderating. Not about the forum engine. I thought I made it clear. Yes, it's free, yes it's very 90s, yes it has zero features a commenting engine should have, would have, say... in 2010. Fine. But the policing is "amazingly" bad, immoral, unfair, inconsistent.
I am in IT, have been a developer, architect for over 20+ years. 

the rules:

  • It looked like spam
  • It was abusive towards another member
  • It depicts explicit and/or violent content
  • It contains profanity

My comments were none of the above, yet they were deleted. Why can't they adhere to their own policies?