Help this old rookie with speakers

Been reading a lot of the discussions and I am super impressed with the knowledge here.  

And a sage piece of wisdom that I got 40 years ago is "if you want to get your a$$ handed to you, try to be an expert in another man's field".

So...   I'm looking to put a new set of speakers in my living room.   I have an NAD 2400 amp. that I have owned for 30 years, and it has served me well powering my Boston Acoustics VR975 speakers

I've had an affinity for La Scala's for a long time, but I think they are a little big for this space.   So I was wondering if anyone had experience with the  Crites Speaker Type CS Style B.   They seem to be like  Cornwalls and a very good price.






I have Crites Type B. 4 yrs old.  They are made with quality components.  Set up correctly, they will sound quite good.  I have subs and they sound better.  You can order them with ALK adjustable crossover now.  I have seen veneered versions that are beautiful.  These are the size of Klipsch Cornwall.  Half the price.


"Altec 19's or JBL 300's bought on the used market will kill any Klipsch speaker!"


So violent... 😎

My first "hi-end" system was horn based, not all that different from the Crites.  What a mistake.  Terrible on voices.  


What's an insane value right now is a pair of SEAS Thor speakers well-built from a Madisound kit that's for sale now on US Audiomart.  The drivers in this kit sell for about $2100 and the seller is asking only $750 for the pair.  He's of an advanced age and is moving to an assisted living facility and needs to unload them.

This design is *very* similar to the Joseph Audio Perspective 2 which retails for about $13,000.  If you're in the Southwest, it would be well worth it for you to make the trip.


Jbl 4309's...$2000...  I may be letting a brand new pair go. Walnut With Blue grills...

Listen to other brands like Harbeth, (which do voices as good as Martin Logan’s and other ESL brands as you might be able to find a pair of HL5+ for that price and will hear way more detail then with JBL etc there’s a reason many of the best reviewers use this brand themselves for their systems don’t be stuck with just a few brands branch out listen to some Maggys also or Martin Logan’s (just don’t get old stuff and enjoy the process of exploring new directions. Enjoy 😉