Perplexed on how single driver speakers can cover such a large Hz range

I googled till I was blue in the face. I've always wondered how in the world the cone of a single driver speaker, with no crossovers, at any given ten thousands of a second, be vibrating a hefy 60Hz and also a sizzling 10 kHz. To me it's like quantum mechanics. I don't understand. I just have to accept.


If you get a chance, give a listen to the Manger speakers. The Manger MST covers a large part of the frequency range, assisted by one or two 8” woofers.  Different technology altogether and extremely well executed.  Active or passive models in modest but elegant enclosures.  Nothing else like them on the market in many respects.  

@andrei_nz I hope you could listen to single driver speakers someday. Yes, string instruments (especially guitars) sound way better on single driver speakers. Vocals sound more clear and natural too. This sealed the deal for me as I listen to a a lot of folk/country music.