Front or Back wall diffusers

Front or back wall diffusers, I have a 14' x 24' x 8' stereo audio room with Wilson Sasha DAW speakers. I want to know which wall to place it on. I have seen many photos with diffusers on the front wall, this is the most recommended, but I have doubts. Please some suggestions.


GIK and companies like that need to sell product. Yes they analyze your room but they are going to try to sell you as much as they can too. Most of the people on 

Oops! Most of the people on this forum have the means to consult a professional acoustician and I am surprised most don’t. Jeff at HDacoustics is very good and will analyze your room and tell you what is needed and where to put it. He has vendors he works with as far as panels go but he doesn’t push you to purchase. You can use his design and go from there if you want. Good luck! 

That's really a loaded question. There are endless variations, opinions, rules and suggestions to treating a room. I used all the above when treating my room but ultimately it came down to what sounded good to my ears and not so much following the rules to the letter. Start small and focus on treating your room to improve sound quality, not to look cool. 

Just load up the room with a couple dozen 5’ - 6’ artificial Ficus trees. They are cheap and very effective. Use along the walls, between the speakers and alongside and behind the listening position.

Ficus! Yeah...or go with furniture like I do...I like my "room sound" and no, you can't come over and hear it.