Magico's M9

I know everyone is sick of hearing about this, but $750K for a pair of speakers? I suppose I'd have to upgrade my flea watt amp too.


and there are, in many parts of the World, not excluding some in the US, people with such wealth are neither smart nor hard working. They are just criminals. Totally off-topic or maybe not - since the subject is insane wealth, in a way.

Regarding the topic, if you have a large room (mansion) and the money, and the time, buying expensive audio is for sure better than a zillion other hobbies

Compare the engineering that goes into a $250,000 low volume automobile compared to a loudspeaker.

They'll probably sell all they can build, likely to people who care more about the price than how they may sound.

I am eagerly awaiting Jay's Audio Lab review! Just the thing to use with his Transparent $80K speaker cables!

"They'll probably sell all they can build, likely to people who care more about the price than how they may sound."

@mrskeptic  You chose the right screen name.