New DACs High End Munich 2023

I am now searching for a new DAC to replace my Oppo UDP-205 and High End Munich 2023 was the event I was waiting for to hear about new announcements.

I know that Auralic and Total DAC have introduced new DACs and Primare has new modules. Anyone hear any other DACs being released in the next 2-3 months?


With due respect to those who love tubes, I don’t want tubes in my DAC or amp. I am fine with them in my preamp.

Yes, I’m a new member. However, I did extensive research and talked to numerous Conrad Johnson users before demoing and purchasing an Amber 3. I’m just pitching a DAC for consideration based on my experiences. No different than anyone else. And yes, I read both posts regarding DACs and made the same comment. At least I’m consistent… Obviously, the end user is the only person who can make this decision. The Amber 3 or 4 is a DAC worthy of consideration. 

@yyzsantabarbara,  I purchased an Yiggy+ LIM recently after reading the reviews on it.  I was thinking its sound signature will match with what I like and that it might be a cheaper alternative to my two favorite DACs I’ve owned (Mojo Audio previously and Meitner MA3 currently).   I thought it was excellent and had a similar natural tone, good dynamics, no fatigue, etc.     

It wasn’t until I dropped back in the MA3 that I realized the differences were enough that I will still be keeping the more pricey DAC.   I thought the LIM was a little dry sounding, lacked a little texture, and definitely seemed to be missing the super black background and more detail of the Meitner.

Relatively speaking though I think the differences are small when you factor in the price difference.  Throw in it’s made in the USA and comes with a great warranty and I think it’s a great deal!   I hated to sell it but couldn’t justify it as my TV DAC where the Bifrost 2/64 makes way more sense financially, and also sounds excellent…




@ddafoe That makes sense. I was lucky that I liked the cheaper DAC more than the Lumin X1. I definitely like it more on the RAAL SR1a and VM-1a amp. On my 2-channel I think it is less of a difference.  A lot of this is the synergy with the gear you have. 

I will try the Yggi+ on my Yamaha NS5000 on Sunday. It has become my best system and the plan is to upgrade the DAC on that system. The Yggi+ will take stage in that system until I get an amp for the office. I returned my PeachTree GAN400 on Friday. If I did not hang around A'gon I would have kept it.


Yes, I’m a new member. However, I did extensive research and talked to numerous Conrad Johnson users before demoing and purchasing an Amber 3. I’m just pitching a DAC for consideration based on my experiences. No different than anyone else. And yes, I read both posts regarding DACs and made the same comment. At least I’m consistent… Obviously, the end user is the only person who can make this decision. The Amber 3 or 4 is a DAC worthy of consideration.

They clearly out perform others on the market at 2-3 times the price. If quality and sound matters, check out Lampizator’s entry level DAC.


wonderful! welcome... please tell us more about your system, your background, your country (which you have listed as n/a)...

there is a virtual system page, please post pictures of your gear and set up, and list your equipment so we might see

what prior dacs have you owned? which ones 2-3 times the cost of your lampi have you tried? just curious to know, thanks ... what other usernames have you used here in the past, if any?

we welcome legit new members who are dedicated to this hobby, and have alot to contribute to others here seeking advice or points of view on successful system building... otoh we who have been around the block here a while can smell a shill from a distance... shills, by the way, are also remarkably consistent in their posted content, sometimes painfully so...