Give 'Ambrosia' another listen

Ambrosia.  It's been years since I put them on, and I'm blown away. There are a couple of their albums that rival Sgt Pepper in creativity. Very under rated band IMO.  The albums, 'Somewhere I've never traveled' and their self titled one are my favs.


Imagine Yes, Chicago, the Beatles, and Klaatu mixed together, with a great vocalist.


Great suggestion, they were missing from my play list. Ive been struggling to find "new" oldies that I enjoyed.  Didnt realize how many songs that they did that I liked.  Thanks! 

I have their first album, (Very Good) but haven’t heard anything else. I’ll add the next two to the list of albums I am planning to listen to.

Wow, I feel blessed that I kept the albums all these years. I just made a 'Best of Cd, and found I had to fill two 80 minute CD's just to get all their best songs included. Worth the big bucks you guys. Try record shops, there's plenty of them here in Portland.

I love them and since I’ve gotten quobuz, I also listen to all of their albums especially their first one! +1 @ozzy