Have a reflective Memorial day.

For all the veterans, veteran families and those who support veterans in the US and abroad I want to personally thank you. Thanks for all the courage, sacrifice and honorable things you have done. And please reflect on this day and honor what others have done for you, for your way of life. Say thanks to a veteran and their family...

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"Thanks for all the courage, sacrifice and honorable things you have done."

And, thank you for the post. 


It's all about those who served not about political beliefs. My father fought in the Korean war and was at Pork chop hill.My son is deployed in Korea presently. Thank you for posting.

I live in Washingtons Crossing PA. a couple of miles from where his troops camped and crossed, also there is a National Cemetary an equal distance from my home. 

Along a bluff overlooking the Delaware are 21 graves of unknow soldiers who froze to death and were buried Christmas eve, before Washington's historic crossing and march on Trenton to surprise the Hessians billeted at the old barracks. From Trenton, they went on to fight the battle of Princeton. Those confrontations turned the wars outcome.

   The National Cemetary is much different in volume where thousands of veterans are interned. Simple white crosses aligned in orderly fashion mark there resting place. A silent symmetry of valor and sacrifice.

If only mankind was smart enough to get along and armies were not needed what a world it could be.


It's about those who served and died.  It's not about your opinion whether their wars were good/bad or some other political position.  Show some decorum people.