Advice on how to liquidate system

Few weeks ago, I sustained traumatic blast induced hearing loss during a training incident. The level of hearing loss and tinnitus is pretty bad, I’ve had only a minimal level of improvement. midrange and upper frequencies sound like a 1970’s transistor radio. Horrible. The reality of the situation is looking like my audiophile days are pretty much over. Now I’m thinking of what to do with the gear…the thought of dismantling my rig and selling piece by piece is nauseating. Are there any resources that would come in and take it all? At this point I really don’t give a crap about being lowballed, it’s aggravating to look at what Ive put so much time and effort into and not be able to enjoy it. I need to move on.  



Sorry to heart about your loss, BUT
You mention that this is a relative recent injury. Give it some time before you give up on everything. Physical trauma is often just temporary. You might even give it a year or two. I hate to see anyone give up on the beauty of Music/sound.
Also there are different types of tinnitus and how it affects a persons hearing. I suffer from years of live concerts up close and personal with the huge bass horns, Jet engines from my time in the Navy, and gun fire W/O proper hearing protection, and though my Tinnitus is getting worse now at the age of 71, and my level of auditory volume is probably 60% or more, I still hear the music clearly and can enjoy it fully.


I'm with the don't sell group too, OP.

Hyperbaric O2 therapy has been especially helpful even for traumatic brain injury and other neural conditions.

Please check this out ... google HBOT for hearing loss ... relatively inexpensive and getting remarkable results for many maladies!!

@jl1ny I’m deeply sorry regarding your injury. I would also recommend not selling.

Give yourself time and maybe some improvement can come regarding your condition. The science of audiology and medical surgical intervention is always advancing.

My own personal story regarding the sale of a Hifi system was when my father died. We were never close, and he passed in my early 20’s and my siblings sold off everything of his. Now in my 40’s I’m in love with Hifi just as he was, and would happily box my system and save it for my child (now 1 year old) to give it to him at a later time at the very least. I deeply regret not hanging on to his system and record collection.

Your system often becomes a part of you (memories, joy, a journey, etc). Hold on to it. Hold on to your health and recovery, hold on to hope.

You are getting good advice here.  Don't sell and don't give up.  I lost my hearing for 2 or 3 days at a very loud rock concert. It eventually came back with some tinnitus that, some days I can mentally block it out and other days I cannot.  No cure for that, you just have to deal with it.

I’m in the “don’t sell, yet” camp. Suffering a traumatic injury is bad enough. Let some time go by and ignore the stereo system for a couple months. Go to a fabric store and buy some nice cloth to lay onto the components. It’ll look decent, keep the dust off and you won’t have to look at it. Who knows, with luck, you’ll start a whole new love affair with music and your system?

 I’m sorry about the accident. 
hang in there!