How To Keep Cat Off Stereo Equipment?

We adopted a long-hair, one-eyed stray kitten. She is a very lovely cat, however, she likes jumping up on stereo equipment - tube preamp and mono block amplifiers. Am I right in thinking that cat hairs that fall inside the equipment can eventually fry things? Assuming so, I can't be the first person to have a cat AND hifi equipment. How do you keep the cat off? For the record she only jumps up there when she is alone in the room, so I think she gets that we don't want her up there, but just hasn't filed under "relevant info." I would greatly appreciate suggestions!


This forum is a good way to share initmate thoughts and get to know fellow members a little better.  Sometimes that not a good thing.  Guess the cat's out of the bag?

There’s probably no way you can fix this. Cats don’t give a 💩 about commands or any attempts at training and will usually do things out of spite. So good luck…next time adopt a dog.

Do NOT play Year If the Cat- every audiophile cat from Nashville will be at your door!  Play Steppenwolf, Los Lobos, Three Dog Night. 
That should do it.