Bang for the buck

Hi all, I'm looking to get some feedback on great value/sound used speakers for a 14x11.5' room in an apartment. Are there any suggestions from audiosciencereview or your own experience that mate great sound with excellent value on the used market? I recently found a pair of Salk speakers at a good price, but their frequency response is the only measurement graph I can find. Plus, I wonder if a large part of that speaker price is due to the cost of the cabinet and its elaborate finish. I'm looking to put my money towards the music more than the cabinet jewelry finishes. (I'm on a budget <$2k). Thanks for any recommendations 


All those speakers mentioned are fine. But truly best bang for the buck is JBL. The JBL 580 is a $1600 speaker on sale for $600. Free shipping free return 60 day trial. They are great speakes and play well out of their price range. They don’t go real  deep but probably a good think in an apartment.

Post removed 

I own a pair of Salk SSM6 

JIM Is a great boutique builder

His build quality is stunning and parts quality

Is of highest quality.

Normally salk owners rarely sell

So if you have an opportunity

To purchase used that would be a great

Opportunity. Also remember

Wirh his direct to end user business

Model anything he sells would

Be at least double the price when compared

To other speaker mfg's .

I have also owned a pair of Buchardt S400's and 

A good used pair of those should

Also be on your radar

A small pair of Ohm towers would likely tick off all your boxes.  Plenty available used here and on popular auction sites.  New ones are a good value too.  I have owned my 2000s since 2009 with never any regrets.  In your room, the MicroWalsh Tall would probably be a good fit.  Check the Ohm Speakers web site for more info.  (Other than being a customer and fanboy, I have no affiliation with Ohm.)



“Solid state front end. May upgrade to a better integrated but plan to stay solid state.”


Are you using a home theater reciever, vintage integrated, etc. What is it you have exactly. Home theater Receiever on an efficient speaker may sound ok but is gonna fall flat on something like the Salk’s that you mentioned. 

Used Tektons or some new Tektons for that price is a good choice and can play nice with most electronics. The JBL 580 mentioned above I think is a good suggestion also. I’m sure the Salk’s are great as well but prepared to be underwhelmed if you don’t have a pretty descent front end.