Using Maple Butcher Block Under a Turntable

When using a maple butcher block under a turntable, what is below the butcher block?  Cone?  Soborthane pucks?  Does it just lay on the shelf?  What are people using and how of they mounting the block?  How are they mounting the table on the butcher block?

Sorry, but I don’t think you can hear if wood was air or kiln dried....Lmao! It's amazing what some people will believe...

Not sure if you're apologizing for your inability, or that of your system, in not being resolving enough to differentiate between the sound of the materials. 

LOL. I'm not sure I would hear the difference between an air and kiln dried wood base, but I do know my system is resolving enough that I heard I heard a pretty big difference between a HRS ADH 850 gr record stainless clamp (which has a rubber compound base) and the new Monarch Systems Ultra Carbon 1000 gr clamp (that is all stainless and carbon fiber). I was skeptical at first it would make much difference, but surprised how better the latter is (so I bought it).