8-10k budget suggestions please

Hey guys, 

been out of the game about 10 years, got a new wife, new house, and plugged in my old B&W 804's.  Connected them to a Denon receiver expecting to want to do surround sound.......But forget it!  I really want to maximize my 804's for 2 channel listening.

My room is 15ft long by 13 by 9.  not very big but I need amplification and streaming capabilites.  Will add TT later as I do have vinyl.  Room tx is on it's way so let's just assume it's already done.


Thanks for all your help!


The comments about the combination of Krell + B&W being a match made in hell, I think it is more to the room and also the amp or speaker model. I used to have Krell KAV-300i driving B&W CDM 1SE back in the day, more than a decade ago and it wasn’t that bad. As a matter of fact it’s rather good. The exemplary traits of the Krell are a big, bold and dynamic delivery with deep punchy bass. The bass of the Krell is really something special, it hits hard with raw energy and power. With other amps the bass sounds like a soft thud in comparison, more subdued with reduced kick and dynamics. Thick carpet/rug and proper speaker placement will also help tame the brightness in the room.

The OP did not reveal the Krell amp model which he owns yet though. If it’s the KAV-400xi I heard it’s warmer sounding and more neutral.

Hey guys it's the k300i.  It really doesn't seem bright at all.  I have more dampening comming. Now I wanted to ask about this issue


I contacted GIK, did their room module, sent in pics.  My room is 15 x 13 x 9

They recommended like two grand of absorption and zero diffusion. Is that normal?

golden rule for krell amps for smooth natural 2 channel sonics... avoid any model with a 'v’ in it like the plague