Distinctly Digital Forever?

Something always made me believe that a decent tube preamp could "mellow" or "naturalize" the sound of digital sources. But this doesn't seem to be so. OTOH, maybe there are DACS out there that not only convert to analog, but actually make digital source components sound like analog sources? So, just to further my understanding: assuming price no object, does there exist any DAC, or DAC/Pre combo, capable of making my streamer (or the best streamer in existence, for that matter) sound indistinguishable from an FM radio signal, given each "playing" the same recording at the same volume with the same EQ?



"If that is your ideal, why are you bothering to listen to digital at all?"

Same reason others do: (1 )convenience (2) sound effects are exciting. Just doesn't work for me late on quiet evenings when I want authenticity in the sound of folk rock or baroque ensemble.

Tubes will probably get you there.  I would get a tubed DAC and consider pairing it with a really gauzy sounding tubed amplifier such as Prima Luna.  Be aware that not all tubed components will give that big mellifluous sound- I use a Cary SLP 3 which expands the soundstage but still has a low noise floor and lots of detail.  Prima Luna, however emphasize the traditional tube virtues, and can be very warm and enveloping.  It can be a very addictive sound.  It is to full fat for me, but like a piece of tiramisu a very special occasional treat, and since our listening ideals differ you might find it to your liking.

  One other thought—do the latest FM tuners accept digital inputs-essentially offering pre amp capability?  If they did then that might be worth exploring 

Prima Luna is one that I have considered, but not yet auditioned. However, my problem is not with FM or TT, it's with streaming. Tuner needs no digital inputs -- in fact, needs no inputs period. Tuner is a pure output device that runs straight to tube preamp, 100% analog. Now, digital DACS -- those are very much in play, and since streaming is 80-90% of my listening, the Prima Luna + tube DAC might well be of help there too. So PL 400 is definitely on the short list, thanks.