Tube amps - what 3 things…

Hello all,

I am close to purchasing a tube amp moving away from SS. So far I have listened to a pure sound, PL, and allnic. 

Question for all you experienced owners - if you could do it all over again, what 3 things/features would you look for in an amplifier and what 3 things/features would you not invest in again?




Hello mpoll1. Not to be a downer - have you considered the cost of replacing tubes? They do wear out in time and die a natural death. One day the amp is working fine and the next day it isn't. A matched pair of output tubes can set you back over $1,000. Are you ready for that? Put $1500 in a savings account and wait. I just had to replace a set of tubes myself. Ouch!  Plan well, listen happily!

@mulveling, man your type of clear and concise information is this is why I read this forum. Very direct an super informative empirical data. Peace ✌️

1. (Big, read 1940s- 1950s NOS) Choke filtered power supply

2. Fixed (manually adjustable) output tube bias

3. 2 times maximum duty rated transformers (power and output)

Bonus round: Point-to-point wiring

Features, approach:

  • Confirm speakers used long term
  • Output tubes, ensure availability, spares
  • Quality parts, design, transformers


  • Avoid cheap junk parts used


A couple or three inputs so you don't need a pre-amp. Quality of construction (which does not rule out certain Chifi devices). Warranty and/or a good technician in your area who understands tube amps for when things go south. The efficiency of your chosen speakers.