Tube amps - what 3 things…

Hello all,

I am close to purchasing a tube amp moving away from SS. So far I have listened to a pure sound, PL, and allnic. 

Question for all you experienced owners - if you could do it all over again, what 3 things/features would you look for in an amplifier and what 3 things/features would you not invest in again?




Showing 5 responses by xenolith

1. (Big, read 1940s- 1950s NOS) Choke filtered power supply

2. Fixed (manually adjustable) output tube bias

3. 2 times maximum duty rated transformers (power and output)

Bonus round: Point-to-point wiring

Excellent point Ralph!  Properly executed ultralinear topology is stunningly impressive.  When executed properly, it is another reason why fixed (manually adjustable) output tube bias is essential, in order that output can be optimized for ultralinear topology.

So many short cuts are available in tube (well actually any) amplifier design that it is impossible to find a commercially available one that doesn't employ any of them.  For example: does any manufacturer use an inductor filtered power supply instead of the much cheaper (and lighter) capacitance filtered power supply?  None that I know of.  The only way to get an absolutely uncompromised tube amplifier is to specifically requests such a build from a highly knowledgeable designer/builder, which will result in a very expensive and very heavy amplifier.  

I'll refrain from exclaiming how extraordinarily special the amps I use are other than to state that they are the result of such a request.


Hidaleeho.  Having computer troubles, so just seeing the status of this thread.  Good exchange of info...good.  Ralph, I'm sure that I'm wrong because I'm even more sure that you're right.

Got some 8 Henry chokes on the power supplies of the amps at chez xeno, and wow, they're lurkers.  Carry on...

Thanks very much for your input Ralph. The designer/builder of our custom amps told me that fixed bias provides more "snot" than cathode bias. He meant power by snot. I know you’ve stated in this thread that there is no power difference between these two biasing configurations. Can you please discuss the bias configuration elements related to power magnitude?

I’m very confused as I view both he and you as extremely well on informed on this subject so am quite puzzled at how such diametrically opposed assertions could come from you and he.

Thank you.

That's a very satisfying...and comprehensible!...description Ralph; thank you.