New Class D amplifiers

Hello. I'm very interested in getting your opinion on the newer Class D amplifiers.  There has been a couple of very positive reviews (by Guttenberg) of the Bel Canto C6i and NAD M23.  These, and perhaps some others are offering new technology that significantly lower the class D noise level and other drawbacks.    

I currently use a Class A amp, Pass Labs INT-25 (with Dynaudio Heritage Special speakers) which has a wonderful sound. But I am transitioning to another location, and due to using Roon primarily I find that this system stays on most of the day.  Due to heat and power usage of Class A amplifiers, I'm interested in translating to Class D if I find something comparable.


We need a formula with a number of parameters (including the price, and a few parameters that measure the SQ, and a few parameters more like the weight, the size and the power consumption of the amp, etc) to measure the overall benefit/performance of each amp. We may easily construct that formula if someone will carry out experiments and put the corresponding parameters into the formula. @jeffseight , does it look good to you? 

@tweak1 I am sorry for that accident. Something similar happened with my Megaschino, but it was finally repaired (just 10 days ago). Now neither am I in an extreme hurry to repair my 5.5 watts SET amp (earlier the left channel  EL34 tube of the amp was blown up and damaged  the 50 v 470 capacitor which is just below the amp. The amp still worked but the left channel was a bit weaker. Finally, I decided to replace the capacitor. We touched just this small part of the amp, nothing else. Surprisingly, no sound coming out of either channel anymore. I have no idea what could happened. The amp has a blocking system, which now does not unblock). 

Wow has this thread gone off the rails! All b/c of one member.

Well this person also tends to not practice what he preaches. Below is what he posted in September last year:

Sadly, there are many small minded people who can't accept that their opinions on the matter are unimportant to a great many.

Based on this, it tells me that this person not only has a small mind, but an even smaller brain!

@ricevs , if I understood it correctly,  does an essential part of your moding consist of verifying and replacing wiring,  capacitors and resistances, or something similar? Do you rely on your personal sonic preferences, how you attain a better sound reproduction?