Better story teller than Edmund Fitzgerald?

There was a thread on A'gon about the most perfect song.  We had reasons for picking various, but for me it was Gordong Lightfoot's Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

Perhaps it featured an aspect of song writing that no one else much cared for:  A deep and detailed story in the song.

So I ask you, A'goners, what songs are as good or better at telling a story of a historical event? 


"Four Rode By", a ballad of rampage by "three McLean boys and that wild Alex Haire," Ian & Sylvia.

”El Paso” by Marty Robbins & “No Reply” by the Beatles.  Robbins comes close to Lightfoot’s story telling, and the Beatles are a good bit further behind, at least on this song of theirs.

Harry Chapin "Greatest Stories Live"  Is an album full of well sung stories.

"A Better Place to Be" is a bit schmaltzy but I have to admit I smile every time I listen to it.

I think for the purpose of this discussion fictional stories are fine as well.

They have to have a beginning, middle and end though.  So Cats in the Cradle and Ode to Billy Joe certainly qualify.  Songs which are descriptive without a time element though are different.

Interesting how far back in time we have to go for these songs, and how many are western themed.

Lastly, I can't think of any solid jazz songs that qualify.