Anyone heard new Zu Union 6?

The new Zu union 6 has been out a month or so now. Anyone heard a pair yet?


My favorites… not counting the megabuck rooms… in alphabetical order…

a.  Hifi Rose Andrew Jones Source Point 10

b. Orchard Audio Soundfield Audio 

c.  Volti Triode Border Patrol

d.  Joseph Audio





So would you say that the Unions lean bright or do they have a balanced sound--if the rest of the system allows it?  I am thinking to add a class D amp to the DWs to boost the treble and clarity or go with the Unions.  I can buy a pair of Unions to test alongside the DWs while extending my DW trial period then return one or the other--according to Zu.  This seems to be a pretty exorbitant step to take.  Right now, I am leaning to getting a Peachtree Nova 150 for $999 with a 30 day trial period. Test out my class D theory.  Zu suggests tubes but that would seem to compound the DW's warmth.