Anyone heard new Zu Union 6?

The new Zu union 6 has been out a month or so now. Anyone heard a pair yet?


Showing 4 responses by snapsc

Kray… so the Supreme is the top end model as I read it. Now that you have more burn in… what do you think… how is the low end… the stridency… the sound stage?


I have to say that I was both surprised and disappointed.  I heard them at the Florida Audio Expo last weekend in the Black Ice room.  It may be that they were being played too loud for the room but what I heard had a lot of muddy bass and was quite harsh.

My favorites… not counting the megabuck rooms… in alphabetical order…

a.  Hifi Rose Andrew Jones Source Point 10

b. Orchard Audio Soundfield Audio 

c.  Volti Triode Border Patrol

d.  Joseph Audio